Friday, June 1, 2007

I play Scrabble good

I run so good against Jamie. I mean, unbelievably (I don't know if that's how you spell it, but if I spelled it that way and played it in a Scrabble game against Jamie, it would be valid. Just. Sayin.') I play at Jamie's place about once a week, after getting knocked out of his tournaments -- either first or second, as is my way. Last week, I extended his play of laters by hooking the e for echoing on the front to bingo and make elaters. One who makes another happy. He, understandably, challenged it. I was wrong. And elater is not a person at all -- it's a CLICK BEETLE!
Dawn's play is good AND Jamie loses a turn.
Fast forward to last night. I have a rack of E N R R T U U. I groaned. I drew the letter closest to A and had the first turn, but with my crap rack, I was worried I would be playing some dumb three letter word for six points or skipping my turn...i.e... "nut." But then I saw "True" Hmm...eight points...still crappy and I am giving up the ever so lovable E...and then I saw Untrue...ooh...I could get rid of six of these ridiculous letters! Woo hoo...done and done.
I put them down...and looked at the r left behind...hmm...if something was could be untrue...r?
Hmmm...this was Jamie after all...and I was Dawn...OK! I call...I mean, I place.
"Untruer" 68 points!
He immediately challenged.
I lunged for the Scrabble dictionary, I scanned the Uns and saw untrue...and then there in the definition!!!! UNTRUER!!!
I. Love. This. Game.
Final Board


Unknown said...

Nice find!

I'm referring to Jaime, not to your word. It's good to have a scrabble punching bag. I've had one for a year.

Dawn Summers said...

My punching bag days are over. Or as they say in the Marines: Oogonia.

Unknown said...

And just by the way...before you go and get all proud of yourself...

The easy bingo "nurture" was in the same rack. ;)

Dawn Summers said...

hahhahahaha....ouch...on the other hand, no one wants to read a Scrabble blog about how I played nurture and no one challenged.

Dawn Summers said...

But now....nurture is all I can see.