Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'd like to think I am to blame

Scrabulous is being upgraded.

Due to extremely high loads, we are currently adding on another server to this application. Service is temporarily interrupted. Please check back in a few hours.

Sorry for the trouble!


Ugarles said...

So funny. I was going to leave this on your wall with NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

But then facebook was down also.


April said...

I know that I blame you. Is that enough?

Dawn Summers said...

hahahah, that's pretty good!

Alceste said...

So how many different games have you had going at one time while you've been holed up?

Ugarles said...

Need another day.

What we did last night did not work, we need another day to get this running.

There's no point in letting everyone try to play and face errors, so we're closing it for some more time. Please check back in tomorrow.

Any programmers with experience in load balancing please email fb.scrabulous@gmail.com . We can do with some support in that area.

Sorry folks ... trying our best to give you the best.


I hope that they fix the dictionary also. I refuse to believe in either HEXOsES or PEAGE.

Alceste said...

Does this mean today is a Full Tilt day?